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How to guide children to draw step by step

1. Every child can teach, every parent can teach

In the past few years, there was a "piano fever". Some parents, regardless of whether their children have musical genius or not, bought a piano by themselves, hired teachers, forced their children, and urged them day and night, but in the end, it was nothing. Indeed, learning music, dancing, and physical education all seem to require some natural conditions. If there is no talent, it is best not to waste your efforts. I only learn to paint. My personal experience probably doesn’t require any “talent”. Almost every child has a spontaneous “graffiti” stage around the age of two or three. Therefore, as long as the vision of any child is normal, the parents will catch it. , Can learn to paint, even if you can't become a professional painter, you can also become an art lover.

Having a hobby of fine arts is not only an additional skill, it is beneficial for developing the potential of the right brain, enhancing the ability of thinking in images and spatial imagination, for every subject, and even for engaging in any industry. Therefore, "aesthetic education" is tied with moral education, intellectual education, and physical education, and has become an essential basic quality for "modern people".
In short, I think that every child can learn to paint and every parent can help. Learning to paint is of great benefit to every child.
In the art class, I have my own teacher tutoring. Here I mainly talk about how parents should tutor at home.

2. The process of children learning to draw

1. Enlightenment period. From the time when a child started drawing with a pen on paper, to when he drew the first thing that could be called a "painting", although this period cannot be regarded as having started to learn to draw for kids, it is a very important thing for parents. It is important to grasp the critical period of early intellectual development, which will be discussed later.

2. Early. Children use free "graffiti" as the main content and improve themselves by copying and reminiscing children's pictures. In this period, apart from asking teachers, they basically rely on their parents to grasp at home.

3. Mid-term. On the basis of improvement, I can freely combine to create more meaningful frames. This period is still mainly relying on parental guidance. You can also ask the teacher for advice.
4. Late-stage. Under the guidance of the teacher, I create some relatively complete thematic paintings, that is, I enter the period of children's painting creation. If the method is right, many children can enter this period before school age.

Of course, everyone's situation is different, but here is just to say roughly the same.

3 Three, the characteristics of children's learning to draw There are three characteristics of children's learning to draw:

1. It is fun. Children learn painting mostly out of interest, out of playfulness, born of a beauty-loving nature, and regard painting as a game. When he can depict the world in his heart with vivid artistic images, he is very happy. Therefore, parents should never use "tasks" and "homework" to force children to learn painting and turn fun into boring. Instead, they should arouse and maintain children's interest.

2. Imitation. When children learn to draw, they are mostly imitated from children's picture albums or TV cartoons, rather than sketching from lifelike adults.

3. Creativity, imitation is only a means, and creation is the main content and main feature of children's painting, which is very different from children's learning of music. Children are full of fantasy, and only creation can give full play to his genius.

4. Don't teach painting like the violin

Some parents do not understand the characteristics of children's learning to draw and think that they should learn the basic skills like learning the violin or the piano from the first step. They must follow a strict and formal curriculum and rely entirely on the teacher to learn the basic skills. In fact, the two are completely different. At the beginning of learning the violin, if it is not strict and formal, it is very difficult to correct it after the wrong fingering and bowing. This formal practice method is very difficult and boring for children. So sometimes it may be necessary to force training. From the first step, painting is an unfettered creation, rather than a rigid "etude". This kind of creation that allows the imagination to freely gallop is a natural and interesting thing for children. At this time, it belongs to the stage of "children's drawing". The real basic skills training such as still life or plaster sketches are generally carried out after becoming a teenager. If you start formal training from an early age, it will ruin the children's nature to learn painting.

What is a "children's painting"? Why can children's paintings exist independently of other types of paintings? It is because it comes from unfinished innocence, from unfettered nature, and has the peculiar childishness and cuteness of children's paintings, just like calligraphy like the "child body" in, the taste cannot be imitated by adults. Therefore, the characteristics of children's learning painting stipulate that the method of learning painting is different from learning such as cartoon drawing and landscape drawing. You can't force but conform to the child's natural nature. It is not mainly dependent on teachers, but mainly on parents. It is not a task, but a game, not a teaching, but Guidance is to stimulate, to use nature to cultivate interest and form hobbies. So I said that every parent can teach. To be honest, when the child is too young, even if the teacher is invited, the teacher can’t teach each lesson one by one. It would be more natural and effective to teach by parents who are with their children day and night.
Some parents may ask, we don’t know how to draw at all, how can we help?

Five, start from childhood

It's best to start catching children from the age of two. At this time, the child is lively and ignorant, and everything around him is a new world to him. Give him a pen and a piece of paper, and he will scribble excitedly on it. Don't be afraid of wasting paper, and don't be afraid of trouble. After a few months, he is more familiar with the brush, so he can give a little guidance. Parents teach him to draw a garden, add simple eyes and mouth to become a doll's head. My elder child didn't add any guidance. When he was just three years old, he drew his first "work" and shouted with joy. My little girl added some guidance and drew the first picture at the age of two and a half.

Why should it be emphasized to start from the age of two or three? I think most children have the natural requirement of painting during this period. This is a rare art development period. As long as they are caught, any child can inspire Hobby of fine arts. Primitives can be said to be the childhood of human beings. Before there were words, primitive painting art had been produced. This is exactly the result of human natural painting needs. No one in one of my relatives loves art. Perhaps it was a little influenced by me. After a little scratch and a little encouragement to the children, they all fell in love with art.
Why is it better to start at this time when you are older? This is related to the balance between creativity and appreciation.

Six, creativity and appreciation should be synchronized and coordinated development
We often hear people say that "eyes are good and hands are low". This "eye" is appreciation, and "hand" is creativity. The appreciation of art can be continuously improved with the enrichment of experience and the improvement of cultural literacy, but if you don't do it, Creative power will not increase with age. Over time, there will be an imbalance between the two. The paintings I paint cannot be appreciated by myself, and I cannot improve for a while, which will affect my interest. It is also known as "good eyes and low hands".

When the child is more than two years old, his appreciation is almost zero. At this time, as long as he can draw a picture, he will feel very beautiful even if it is extremely unconvincing. This will generate strong interest, enjoy it tirelessly, and maintain appreciation and appreciation. Synchronous and coordinated the development of creativity. If you miss this period and start teaching painting again, your children may lose interest because they look down on their debut works.

Of course, it’s not that children can’t learn painting when they are older, but parents have to be more careful and teach some basic drawing methods by hand. You can also ask the teacher for help so that he can improve in a short period of time and achieve a balance between creativity and appreciation.
When a child goes to school, his interest is easy to maintain, because at this time there is a formal art class in the school, and because of preschool hobbies, the child’s level is also higher than his classmates, which encourages him to love art more. In addition, the class or school Organizing art groups and organizing wall newspapers and other activities are naturally indispensable for these children. This is further training.

It can be seen that the key is to do a good job at the preschool stage, especially during the period of two or three years of age. With the foundation, it will save much effort in the future.

7. How to stimulate and maintain children's interest in painting

From the foregoing, we can see that the main motivation for children to paint is interest, and the main task of parents is to stimulate and maintain their interest. Interest comes from advancement. The specific methods are as follows:

1. When a child draws a new painting, parents should be happy and encourage them. Whenever there is a proud work, especially creative creations, they should be praised. They can be posted on the wall and introduced to the guests. Of course, they should also point out the shortcomings and help. Modify to prevent complacency.

2. When a child wants to draw on paper, don’t just tear up a piece of paper. It’s best to cut some blank paper to order the book. The child’s attitude towards the book is very different from that of the paper. Drawing on the book is much more serious. This improves quickly. But pay attention, the book should not be too thick, so that you can change the book frequently, and every change can re-evoke the freshness of the child. In addition, the notebook is conducive to preservation, and parents can review their learning process with their children and generate new interest from progress.

3. Buy more children’s art magazines, especially those with cartoon characters (such as Donald Duck, etc.). The early teachers of children are actually these art magazines, not the parents; in the late stage, these children gradually purchased painting tools, from pencils, crayons to watercolor pens to watercolor paints and drawing paper.

4. If you have the conditions and time, it is best for parents to paint a few pictures with their children. Parents can paint well, which is naturally a demonstration. If parents do not paint well, they can also play a role in encouraging children. Look, I and Mom and Dad are almost done drawing, and more importantly, the participation of parents makes the children happier, just like playing games together, full of family warmth and competitive excitement. Of course, if parents really have difficulties, they don't have to force it.

5. When the child is able to create, he should be encouraged to contribute to children's art magazines or create for children's art exhibitions. At this time, teachers can also ask for guidance. Of course, it would be better to participate in art classes. When the child begins to formally create, he will change into formal drawing paper and drawing tools, he will become very serious, and even enter the "competitive state". When my eldest child creates one time, he "fights day and night" for half a month and even eats food. There is no time to eat. This is not because the desire to "must be selected" is spurring him. In fact, because he drew a painting that he could not even think of for the first time, he was strongly attracted by the beauty of the work and determined to be "perfectly beautiful". The pen is meticulous, even I never thought he could suddenly paint so well. At this time, the level of painting will take a leap, and of course, the interest will become more intense.

6. Children shouldn’t let the adults overtake the creative work, otherwise, the haste will not be achieved. Under the supervision of the adults, he may be able to "paint" very good works. After the works are selected, he will never be able to paint the same level. He will feel "regressive" and become discouraged and lose interest in his works. So it doesn't matter whether parents can draw or not. The key is whether they can teach or guide.

7. Often take children to see art exhibitions (especially children's art exhibitions) and other exhibitions to stimulate their interest. Not only can I learn a lot, but the important thing is that the company of adults is the most powerful support for children.

8. If parents have a certain level of artistic appreciation, they can often comment on the children’s works, mainly to point out which paintings are innovative, interesting, progressive, encourage more and less criticize, and be careful not to treat children The innocence and cuteness in the painting are criticized as shortcomings.

8. Appropriate counseling based on guidance
The task of parents is to guide rather than teach. Is it possible to think that parents do not need to counsel their children and completely "rule by doing nothing"? Nor, when a child hits the threshold, he still needs to raise a hand to step over.

For example, when a child draws a babyface, he often draws his eyes on the top of his head and disperses his facial features on all of his face. This is because the facial features are the most vivid targets for activities, which are far more attractive to children than the large but inactive forehead. At this time, the parents should refer to the children's picture book and teach him to draw the eyes below the horizontal midline of the entire head, gather the facial features, and draw the hair on the forehead.
For example, painting a circle is the basis for drawing doll heads and drawing the sun. It is difficult for a child to draw a circle at the beginning. Parents can draw one for him and let him add other things, and then slowly teach him when he is interested. He painted a garden.

A common threshold that children encounter is to draw a side face. This is much more difficult than drawing a frontal face. Parents must pay attention to help him walk through it. Even if the parents can’t draw it, at least they can see that it looks different. You can find a picture album. Reference to help him, master.

Also, in the beginning, let the child draw the things he is most interested in, living things, such as dolls, birds, white rabbits, Donald Duck, Daemon, etc. Don’t draw still life’s, such as cups, fruits, etc. He doesn’t like it. Interesting things, wait until you have the foundation to draw.

Sometimes it is difficult for a child to copy a slightly more complicated image. Parents can simplify it first and draw the appearance so that the child can copy it easily. This requires parents to pay attention to improving their artistic accomplishments and hobbies. It doesn't matter if they don't have a foundation, they just have to be interested. If the parents have no interest in art, they don't learn at all and don't grow up, it will be difficult to cultivate their children.

It is not necessary to buy formal art technique books, such as sketching, still life sketching, human body sketching, etc., for teaching materials. You only need to buy some art teaching materials for children. It is necessary to fully realize that the children have not officially started to learn painting at this time, but are just doing some necessary The preparation for cultivating interest, observation, and creativity, he must freely exert his creative imagination and should not be restricted by teaching materials.

When tutoring, it is necessary to correctly distinguish between the lack of skill and the most precious naivety in children's paintings. Don't tutor children's paintings into serious "old man paintings". Children paint people with big heads and small bodies. This does not need to be corrected, as long as there is the charm. The concept of composition is the same. For example, my older child once drew a fully automatic machine, which is also an electric switch and a conveyor belt. It has everything, but the function of the machine is to crush all good bricks into broken bricks! My little girl once drew a group of birds flying in the sky.

Each bird lays eggs while flying, string after string, like a plane throwing a bomb. This kind of unreasonableness outside of common sense is the true interest of children’s drawings, which adults can’t even think of in dreams. If this point is given “counseling”, then the drawing will be ruined. Pointing out his "common-sense errors" would suppress his romantic imagination, and he can no longer draw such cute "errors".

Can I still call children's painting without this interesting? No matter what the machine is for Yes if you can imagine such a complicated machine, you should encourage it first. Then I learned that the original purpose of "producing" broken bricks is to use broken bricks as paintbrushes to paint on the ground. You see, the child has his own mind. Another world.

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How to paint pictures by numbers correctly

How to paint pictures by numbers correctly

Mastering a new business, we often look for expert information that will allow us to achieve the desired skill in any business. Coloring by numbers is no exception. In this article we will tell you how to paint by numbers, take care of paints and brushes. We will also give many useful tips for novice artists.

Choose a place with sufficient light for work. This way, you won't overstrain your eyes by looking at tiny segments and fine lines. Layout all the accessories on the table.

How to paint a picture with acrylic paints

Water-based acrylic paints come with coloring pictures. Their colors are very rich, so the finished canvases are crisp and colorful. They are all quick-drying, so only open up the ones you need at the moment. Thanks to special sealed containers, they are stored for a long time, but after damage to the integrity, the shelf life is still reduced.

Try to lift the bottle cap slowly without damaging it. Check the consistency of the paint before starting. Stir with a toothpick if necessary. Moisten a small brush, trace the borders of large parts, or paint over a few small ones. If you don't want the outline and lettering to be visible, paint over them twice.

It happens that acrylic thickens during painting. Don't worry about this as it can be easily diluted with a few drops of water. If acrylic paints dry up, then find out what to do with them in the article.

After opening the jar, the paint is stored for a maximum of four months, subject to several rules:

Always close them tightly to keep air from getting in. Pre-clean the edges from dried excess.
If you do not plan to draw coloring by numbers soon, then add 4-5 drops of clean water and well connect the parts of the container, pressing them with your fingers.

How to paint pictures by numbers on how to paint with acrylic paintings by numbers on how to paint with paints - photo

Take care of your brushes
As you begin the creative process, fill the glass to rinse the brushes. You will also need cotton wool discs to dry them.

Usually, there are 2-3 brushes in the sets, it all depends on the detailing of the coloring and its manufacturer. All accessories for painting with paints that are included in the kit are of very high quality and serve as a reference when creating a masterpiece. However, some amateur artists still prefer to buy their own tools in advance. For example, dark and light colors are applied separately, or they are painted over with a zero-size brush. Such tricks help to draw a picture with your own hands beautifully and accurately.

Hold the brush like a normal pen. And so that the outlines when painting were even, lean on the stretcher and turn it over as it is convenient for you. The coloring picture should be drawn in comfort.

Basic requirements for gentle brush care:

When you are finished painting, wash with laundry soap and dry with napkins.
Then reshape the nylon threads. Never leave them wet, they will crumble.
Do not experiment with chemicals for cleaning.
Stir paints better with matches, but not with brushes.
Do not use a hairdryer to dry everything quickly. High temperatures can be harmful.

Painting technique by numbers
There are many tips on how to paint pictures by numbers. We have identified the 3 most common among our clients.

From the background to the center of the composition. Often, artists depict blurred elements in the background, and the main ones are brought forward in order to focus the viewer's eyes on them. In the same sequence, you can create with paint by numbers. Some initially paint over all areas with black, blue, green shades, moving to red, yellow, white. This approach allows you to use just one brush and practically do not change it.

We go down from top to bottom from the upper left corner. This option is suitable for large coloring pages or with a very detailed scheme (4 and higher difficulty levels). Especially there is to place them on the easel
The most commonly used method is to start with those elements for which the painting was purchased. A hobby should be fun, so everyone colors as they wish. First, a kissing couple, and then a view of the Eiffel Tower or the buds of pink roses, and below a vase for them ...

Whichever technique you choose for yourself, remember the paint should be drawn on the very tip of the brush so as not to smudge the canvas. If you do drip onto the surface, wipe it off with a damp cloth or cotton swab.

After completing your creation, be sure to evaluate it from the outside. Step back 3-4 meters and see where and what the disadvantages are. Maybe a number is visible somewhere or a small area is not painted over.

pictures by numbers how to draw an example of a finished work How to paint pictures by numbers example Paint by number Paris drawn

How to choose an acrylic varnish
To prevent your masterpiece from fading and always be magnificent and effective, it must be covered with acrylic varnish. It is preferable to do this a week after completion, then the paints will have time to dry out and when the next layer is applied, nothing will be smeared. There are two types of varnish - glossy and matte. The first will emphasize the brightness of the plot, and the second will be able to remove unnecessary glare.

Worthy decoration

Framed images always look special. You can order a baguette frame and read how to hang a painting by numbers on the wall. In a visual assessment, you pay attention not only to the drawing for kids and beginners but also to the frame. You can also buy an easel and attach it to it. It will be very original and stylish to put it in your so-called workshop.

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